槟城庙会是槟城最盛大的庆典,它包括12条街、23家坐落在槟州乔治市的宗祠家庙会馆、90个坐落在槟州乔治市外的宗祠会馆,以及超过120个本地小贩和50个文化策展摊位。The Penang Miaohui is one of the most significant and largest programme in Penang as this event includes 12 roads, 23 traditional organisations in the George Town World Heritage Site, 90 cultural associations outside the Georgetown World Heritage Site, more than 120 local food vendors and more than 50 cultural interactive booths.
自1999年首次举办以来,该庆典已被我国文化部在2001年和2006年两次誉为全国性华人新年庆典。时任首相敦马哈迪(2001年)和时任首相敦阿都拉巴达威(2006年)、国会议员以及多位外国使节也曾莅临此庆典并给予高度评价。然而,槟城庙会不仅仅是一晚的新春盛会,更是承载着传承传统文化给新一代的重责,旨在推动未来相关文化工作的顺利进行。Since its inception in 1999, this celebration has become a prominent event in Penang. It was notably selected by the Ministry of Culture as the national Open House event during Chinese New Year in 2001 and 2006, with former Prime Ministers Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, along with Cabinet Ministers and foreign officials, participating and commending the event.This celebration has not only become the liveliest event of the day but also plays a crucial role in introducing traditional cultures to the younger generation, ensuring the smooth preservation of these cultures.
在乔治市的世界文化遗产地内,23家宗祠会馆自1918年之前便已存在,象征着这些宗祠会馆在槟州已有超过百年的历史。这些宗祠会馆珍藏着祖先传承下来的历史、习俗和文化,包括传统菜肴、手工艺品、名人故事以及各种艺术表演。在庙会当天,这些宗祠会馆将向公众开放,展示各种文化活动,并为学生们提供志愿服务的机会,让他们学习、欣赏并参与各宗祠会馆的珍宝和传统文化的策展工作,以促进更多人对这些文化的了解。我们作为主办单位,深信这个活动将为学生们提供一个宝贵的平台,让他们以志愿者的身份参与活动,为庆典贡献自己的力量。通过这样的参与,他们将不仅学习、欣赏,更能积极地促进和传承宗祠会馆的珍宝和传统文化,进而增进更多人对这些文化的认识和理解。Within the George Town World Heritage Site, 23 traditional organizations have been established since before 1918, each boasting a history of over 100 years. These organisations represent our forefathers footsteps, traditions and cultural traits such as culinary arts, handcrafts, ancestral stories, performing arts and so on.During the Penang Miaohui, these organizations will host open houses, offering many cultural activities at their premises. This event serves as an opportunity for students to volunteer, allowing them to learn and appreciate local cultures, and assist in introducing these cultural organizations to the public. This collaborative effort helps bridge the gap between generations and promotes cultural understanding and preservation.
- 打造庆祝华人新年的平台。To create a platform to strengthen the bond between the races in Malaysia through the celebration of Chinese New Year.
- 促进马来西亚各族群之间的情感交流。To introduce the culture and traditions of Malaysia to both Malaysians and tourists from other countries.
- 向马来西亚公民和国际游客介绍文化和传统习俗。To provide a platform for the younger generation to learn about cultural and traditional festival customs.
- 为年轻一代提供学习节日文化和习俗的机会。To showcase the handcrafts and traditional arts of various races.
- 展示各个族群的传统手工和艺术品。To feature the talents of Malaysians.
- 推动马来西亚旅游业的发展。To play a part in broadening the tourism industry of Malaysia.
2025 乙巳年 槟城庙会 Penang Miaohui 【Penang Lang!Let’s Celebrate!】
日期 Date : 01-02-2025(星期六 Saturday)
时间 Time : 4.00 pm - 11.00 pm
地点 Venue:世界文化遗产地 - 槟城乔治市古迹区 George Town World Heritage Site, Penang
预计赴会人次 Estimated Number of Attendees : 逾 200,000位本地人及国内外游客
: A minimum of 200 thousand local visitors and tourists from both within and outside the country.
主办单位 Organized by : 槟州各姓氏宗祠联委会(宗联委) Penang Chinese Clan Council
策划及协调单位 Planner and Coordinator:传承者 Penang Cultural Inheritors Society
活动总策划 Event Master Planner :锺健美 Miss Chong Jian Mei +6011-51044611
支持单位 Supported by:槟州政府 Penang State Government