2024 甲辰年槟城庙会【街道策展】

R01 姓氏脉络


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R01 Stream of Family Surnames 

Nowadays, we may not have a plaque hanging on the door of our house, but we should still know our family name and our ancestral origins. Why can the names on the identity cards of Malaysian Chinese compatriots still be traced back to their surnames?

R02 他来自江湖


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R02 Once Upon a Time in Jiang Hu 

Martial arts should not be a tool for fights or brawls.  Instead, it should be a means of self improvement and learning from each other's strengths, and the martial ethics of loving, not attacking. The world's martial arts originated from one school of art, and all methods naturally belong to one sect. Wherever there are people, there will be Jiang Hu…

R03 阿狮咖啡店

咖啡店及嘛嘛档是南洋独有的本土饮食文化展现。计划以听觉、视觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉五感,为民众带来古早味的咖啡店文化,带你回味小时候阿公教你的用杯盘喝热饮、ikat tepi还是ikat mati的选择困难症... 

2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R03 Let’s go Kopitiam 

Coffee shops and mamak stalls are unique to the local food culture in Nanyang (Southeast Asia). Using the five senses of hearing, vision, taste, touch and smell, we will be bringing you traditional coffee shop culture, bringing you down memory lane back to the time when your grandfather taught you to drink hot beverages from a plate when you were a child, the difficult choice of choosing between ikat tepi or ikat mati…

R04 音乐之森

【音乐之森】 宗旨在展示各种不同类型的传统乐器,以及它们的历史、特征和演奏方式等等,让更多人认识各族传统乐器,让群众亲身体验学习传统乐器的乐趣,促进各族在传统乐器上的交流。

2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R04 The Rythm of Harmony 

The Rhythm of Harmony aims at portraying display various types of traditional musical instruments, as well as their history, characteristics and playing methods, etc., so that more people can know about the traditional musical instruments of various ethnic groups, so that the public can personally experience the fun of learning traditional musical instruments, thereby promoting cultural exchange between all ethnic groups on traditional musical instruments.

R05 纸短情长


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R05 Paper Path 

Paper, in addition to being a carrier for written words and records, can also be used as a raw material for handicrafts. [Paper path], where everything is an exercise of spatial imagination, promotion hand-eye coordination, cultivation of meditation, improvement of powers of observation, and expansion of creativity. 

R06 民食街


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R06 Local Food Street

The food street not only offers the public an opportunity to try local traditional cuisine, but also serves as a window to understand the local culture and heritage, fostering the inheritance of traditional cuisine.

R07 籍贯渊源


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R07 Place of Ancestral Origin

Ancestral origin refers to the ancestral home of our ancestors, the origin of our family, and the hub where people from Southeast Asia come together. It is also the foundation of our local Chinese cultural identity. The Malaysian Chinese have taken root here and have become one with this land, while at the same time upholding the simplest but unique spirit of each ancestral origin.

R08 智慧旗局


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R08 Ingenuity Board Games

Chinese Chess and Weiqi are two ancient board games with profound cultural heritage. They are both a form of entertainment and a good tool for intellectual development.

R09 裳之旅


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R09 Journey of Garment 

Dressing up is expression of the inner self, and an expression of our inner feelings. What kind of sparks will a variety of uniquely designed and distinctive styles of clothing collide? Come join us on the [Journey of Garment] and enjoy the beauty of the clothing and fashion of various ethnic groups.

R10 匠心独运


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R10 Craftman-ship  

What is the spirit of the craftsman? Some people say that it is "just do one thing in your life", focus on one goal, practice makes perfect, careful ponderance, being studious and proficient, as the saying goes, "work becomes better with diligence"; others say it is the desire for excellence, characterized by being good at what you do, as well as good craftsmanship and attitude. 

R11 灯烛辉煌


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R11 Cadence Emission

"Only by admiring the lanterns in between the lines can you enjoy a good time." Lanterns have always been an indispensable part of the Lunar New Year or Chinese festivals. Today, many traditional crafts have begun integrating with the times, taking advantage of modern technology to expand the coverage of tradition. 

R12 龙狮韵动


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R12 The Wonderful Journey of Dragon and Lion

Dragon and lion dances are celebratory performance art forms originating from Chinese traditional culture, typically performed during festivals, celebrations, or significant events. They convey an atmosphere of auspiciousness and joy.

R13 小小世界


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R13 Small Small World

In this [Small Small World], join a group of innocent school children as they bring you nostalgic food, games, crafts, and adornments. Want to experience nostalgia?  Join us in the Child’s Play, as we experience a childhood that is simple and pure.  

R14 童心童行


2024 Penang Miaohui【Street Curation】 

R14 Child’s Play

In this [Small Small World], join a group of innocent school children as they bring you nostalgic food, games, crafts, and adornments. Want to experience nostalgia?  Join us in the Child’s Play, as we experience a childhood that is simple and pure.