2024 甲辰年槟城庙会【瑰宝策展】

【2024甲辰年槟城庙会】将以全新的面貌惊艳亮相,展现出令观众瞩目的新气象!今天起小编会逐一为大家揭示 2024 槟城庙会的亮点 



明年,庙会区域内的 20 家宗祠会馆将向公众开放,各大策展团队将呈现筹备数月的瑰宝策展,让民众能够更全面地认知和欣赏各自的文化瑰宝!


2024 甲辰年槟城庙会【瑰宝策展】

A01 新会会馆 - 粤曲


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A01 SUN WUI WUI KOON – Cantonese Opera Tunes

Cantonese opera tunes is the first Chinese opera to go global. It is even more popular in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong, where almost every local household can sing a few lines. The Penang Miaohui will recreate the glory days of the Cantonese opera tunes, and take the public into the glorious era of Cantonese opera tunes!

地点 Location:

新会会馆 Sun Wui Wui Koon

No. 38, Lebuh Bishop, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A02 增龙会馆 - 人日(擂茶)


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A02 PENANG TSEN LUNG FUI KON – The Day of Humans (Hakka Lei Cha)

The seventh day of the first lunar month is “Renri” (literally: the day of humans), and is also a very important day for the Hakka people. Let us explore the spirit and values of Hakka culture through the Hakka traditional delicacy – Lei Cha.

地点 Location:

增龙会馆 Tsen Lung Fui Kon (Penang Tsen Lung Fui Kon)

20, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A03 嘉应会馆 - 文人


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A03 KAR YIN FEE KON – Literati

In the early years, literati used to gather at the Penang Kar Yin Fee Kon, and compose poetry together. This year’s exhibition will highlight the cultural heritage of the Penang Kar Yin people, and provide us with the opportunity to experience the feelings of a literati, and to inherit cultural wisdom.

地点 Location:

嘉应会馆 Kar Yin Fui Kon (Kar Yin Fee Kon)

24, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A04中山会馆 - 侨批


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A04 CHOONG SHAN WOOI KOON – Letters from Overseas Chinese Migrants

Letters from Overseas Chinese Migrants refer to letters sent home by the Chinese in a foreign country to their relatives at home in China, where thoughts and concern are sent home through words and remittances.

地点 Location:

中山会馆 Choong Shan Wooi Koon

No. 30, King Street, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A05福德祠 - 剪黏

“剪黏” 是一种美学工艺,通常会出现在古建筑屋瓦之上,七彩缤纷的它是通过不同陶瓷剪切或切割后,再把它粘合在一起,彰显古建筑之美。

2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A05 THAI PAK KOONG TEMPLE – Cut-and-Paste Porcelain Craft

“Cut-and-paste Porcelain craft" is an aesthetic craft that usually appears on the roof tiles of ancient buildings. The colourful tiles are cut or sheared by different ceramics and then bonded together, highlighting the beauty of the ancient buildings.

地点 Location:

福德祠 Thai Pak Koong Temple / 大伯公街 福德祠(海珠㠘大伯公)Tua Pek Kong Temple

34, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A06庇能台山宁阳会馆 - 鲁班行木匠

策展将以木匠 “精益求精,勤奋刻苦”的精神为焦点,通过木雕工作坊,鲁班锁游戏,影展,实景打卡区,展示先人最早立足槟城的老行业。

2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


With the spotlight on the carpenters’ value of “excellence through hard work”, and through wood carving workshops, Burr puzzles, film exhibitions, and real-life check-in sites, the exhibitors will present the old industry of our ancestors who first set foot in Penang.

地点 Location:

台山宁阳会馆 Toi Shan Ningyang Wui Kwon

36-38, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A07武帝庙 - 制香业


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A07 NIN YANG TEMPLE – Incense industry

Incense has a wide range of uses, from traditional worship rituals to aromatherapy, and is inseparable from the daily life of the Chinese society. Please come forward to learn about traditional incense making industry.

地点 Location:

武帝庙 Nin Yong Temple

36 & 38, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A08伍氏家庙 - 打金


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A08 NG SEE KAH MIEW – Goldsmithing

According to legend, goldsmithing began in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is a traditional craft of making gold and silver jewellery. In modern day, it is known as the jewellery industry.

地点 Location:

伍氏家庙 Ng See Kah Miew

40, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A09李氏宗祠 - 中医


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A09 LEE SIH CHONG SOO PENANG – Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is a traditional Chinese medical system with a long history. It emphasizes the balance between the inside and outside of the human body, and uses acupuncture, herbal medicine and other therapies to regulate the body and treat diseases.

地点 Location:

李氏宗祠 Lee Sih Chong Soo Penang

33, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A10槟榔屿广东及汀州会馆 - 籍贯


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


Only by knowing your roots can you find your soul. Our ancestors left their hometowns and travelled across the ocean to Southeast Asia, but yet they have never forgotten their hometown. Follow us as we explore our ancestral origins!

地点 Location:

广汀会馆 The Kwangtung & Tengchow Association

50, Penang St, Georgetown, 10200 George Town, Penang, Malaysia


A11帝君胡公司 - 祝寿

人人说过 “生日”,那 “祝寿” 又是什么呢?原来是小辈为长辈所筹办的生日庆典,希望长辈能够长命百岁、感恩长辈的关照与恩德。

2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A11 TAY KOON OH KONGSI – Birthday Congratulations

We all know what is a “birthday”, but what are “birthday congratulations”? Turns out, these are birthday celebrations organized by the younger generation for their elders, in hopes that the elders will live a long life, as well as to express their gratitude for their elders’ care and kindness.

地点 Location:

帝君胡公司 Tay Koon Oh Kongsi

70, Lebuh Penang, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A12梅氏家庙 - 典当业


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


The pawnshop industry originated from the Northern and Southern Dynasties. At the Moey She Temple, you can learn about the origins and operation of pawnshops, how poor people rely on pawnshops to make it through difficult times, and also get a chance to experience how to pawn things.

地点 Location:

梅氏家庙 Moey She Temple Pow Pon Hong

31, Penang St, Georgetown, 10200 George Town, Penang, Malaysia


A13黄氏宗祠 - 抓周


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A13 WONG SI CHONG CHI – Drawing of Lots Ceremony

ZhuaZhou (literally, “pick” and “anniversary”, meaning “one-year-old catch”), or the drawing of lots ceremony, is a folk ritual performed on the day when the baby turns one year old, reflecting the parents’ deep love and limitless best wishes for their children. Please join us in experiencing the fun and significance of ZhuaZhou.

地点 Location:

黄氏宗祠 Koong Har Tong Wong Si Chong Chi (Wong Si Chong Chi)

39, Penang St, Georgetown, 10200 George Town, Penang, Malaysia


A14庇能陈氏宗祠 - 篆刻


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A14 CHIN SI TOONG SOO – Seal carving

Seal carving is a traditional Chinese art form that uses calligraphy techniques to express thoughts and emotions by carving seals. Seal carving requires an artist to possess exquisite knife skills and aesthetic vision. It has a long history and is considered a precious heritage of Chinese culture.

地点 Location:

陈氏宗祠 Chin Si Toong Soo

Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A15 刘关张赵古城会


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


KOO SAING WOOI KOON PENANG was established in 1872. The unique aspect of this ancestral hall is based on a legend that led to the organization and establishment by ancestors of the surnames "Liu," "Guan," "Zhang," and "Zhao." What is the specific legend behind this?

地点 Location:

刘关张赵古城会 Koo Saing Wooi Koon Penang

67, Lebuh King, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A16槟榔屿潮州会馆 - 出花园


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


“Coming-of-Age Ceremony” (literally: Going out of the garden) symbolizes the child's formal entry into society, at the same time shouldering more social responsibilities, opening the new chapter of a beautiful life.

地点 Location:

潮州会馆 Penang Teochew Association

127, Lebuh Chulia, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang


A17世德堂谢公司 - 教书先生


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


The main responsibility of a teacher is to impart knowledge and skills to students to help them achieve progress and development in various subject areas. They not only impart the contents in the syllabus, but also play an important role in inspiring students to think, and develop skills and moral character.

地点 Location:

谢公司 Seh Tek Tong Cheah Kongsi

8, Lebuh Armenian, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A18龙山堂邱公司 - 传统婚嫁


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A18 LEONG SAN TONG KHOO KONGSI – Traditional Wedding

Traditional Chinese wedding customs in Penang are full of joy and meaning. The six major steps, including proposing, choosing a date, celebrating the ceremony, setting up the bed, staying in the hall for the night, welcoming the bride, and the bride’s returning home for the first time after marriage, demonstrate the unity and best wishes of the family.

地点 Location:

邱公司 Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi

18, Cannon Square, George Town, 10450 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A19 慈济宫 - 布袋戏


2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】

A19 CHOO CHAY KEONG – Glove Puppetry

Glove Puppetry is a traditional performance originating from Quanzhou in Minnan (southern Fujian), which uses puppetry to tell folk tales. Choo Chay Keong will be presenting the essence of glove puppetry in an all new way.

地点 Location:

慈济宫 Choo Chay Keong Temple

71, Lebuh Armenian, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


A20 南阳堂叶氏宗祠 - 三轮车夫

早期的人力出租车,后期成了游客在古迹区的代步工具。从 1970 年代的 2500+ 辆到如今仅剩 70+ 辆。三轮车夫的未来何去何从?

2024 Penang Miaohui【Cultural Gem Curation】


The early human taxis that later became a means of transportation for tourists in the heritage areas. There were 2,500+ of them in the 1970s, but only 70+ are left today. What will become of the trishaw rider?

地点 Location:

叶氏宗祠 Yap Kongsi (Lum Yeong Tong Yap Temple)

Lebuh Armenian, George Town, 10450 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
